Biplantol Produkt Header Homöopathie für Pflanzen


Healthy and vigorous hop.

  • supports flower formation and hop quality
  • supports plant health and vigour
  • improves soil structure by activation of soil microorganisms
€120.00 *

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  • 0134
  • 4019541 00134 2
  • 0134
  • BIOPLANT Naturverfahren GmbH
  • Pflanzenstärkungsmittel
  • Für den Bio-Anbau zugelassen, entspricht der EU-Öko-Verordnung VO (EU) 2018/848, FiBL Betriebsmittel gelistet.
For general health maintenance, regeneration and strengthening of hops. Healthy and vigorous... more

For general health maintenance, regeneration and strengthening of hops.

Healthy and vigorous hop is less susceptible to diseasess such as Verticillium wilt and downy mildew (Peronospora).

Properties based on pre-emptive and regular application:

  • supports plant health and vigour
  • strengthens weakend plants
  • reinforces the plant's natural ability to regenerate (hail damage, climate stress)
  • strengthens the rootstock, promotes root growth and thus nutrient uptake
  • stimulates a healthy symbiosis between soil organisms and roots
  • improves the soil structure by activation of soil microorganisms
  • supports flower formation and quality

No side effects for humans, beneficial organisms and the ecosystem when approprietly applied according to the manufacturers instructions. Bees, beneficial organisms and other insects are not affected. Can also be used in areas with special restrictions (water protection area, next to trenches and waterbodies).

Approved for organic farming. In accordance with the EC Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and listed in the FiBL catalogue of organic farm inputs.

BIPLANTOL® supports plants from the inside out. Plants stressed by diseases or other environmental influences can recover more easily with pre-emptive and repeated applications of BIPLANTOL®. This is due to the stimulation of the plant's natural ability to regenerate. BIPLANTOL® strengthens the plant's natural defences against fungal infections, site condition and climate stress. Soil microorganisms are promoted and stimulated. Applying homoeopathy leads to more robust plants and improved growth. BIPLANTOL® is absorbed through leaves, needles and roots.

Easy application:
2 liters of BIPLANTOL® H forte NT for 3000 to 4000 hop plants are diluted in up to 1500 liters of water and the plants and the soil are lightly soaked (see PDF).

Application period:
BIPLANTOL® H forte NT is applied during the vegetation period from spring to fall at regular intervals of four weeks. Best applied before growth spurts.


Homoeopathic-dynamised complex agent containing in potentised form (D6-D100) the minerals potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphor; vital trace elements such as boron, germanium, silicon, copper; manganese and uronic acids (plant mucilage) among others.

Officially listed as plant strengthening agent with the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).

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