Biological fast converter for manure, compost and bark.
- significant odour reduction
- improved manure liquefaction (homogenisation)
- reduced work effort in the shed/stable
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- Order number: 0131
- EAN: 4019541001311
- Artikelnummer: 0131
- Open text field 1: BIOPLANT Naturverfahren GmbH
- Zulassungs Nr.: Für den Bio-Anbau zugelassen, entspricht der EU-Öko-Verordnung VO (EU) 2018/848, FiBL Betriebsmittel gelistet.
Homoeopathic biological fast converter for manure, dung, compost and bark.
BIPLANTOL® plus serves to accelerate the homogenisation of cattle and pig manure. Dung, compost and bark rots faster.
- significant odour reduction of manure and in the shed
- improved manure liquefaction and homogenisation by faster decomposition of solids
- burns from the manure on plants or soil organisms (e.g. earthworms) are avoided
- visible enhanced plant and root growth
- up to 100% savings in use and sustainable
- BIPLANTOL® plus treated manure improves fodder quality
- reduced work and cleaning effort in the shed/stable when applied on a regular basis
Mode of functioning:
BIPLANTOL® plus is a pure biologic-biochemical activator agent in homoeopathic-dynamic form, whch is absolutely non-toxic. With this product the activation of microoganisms in the manure, dung, compost or bark which are involved in the enzymatic conversion process as biocatalysts, is achieved more quickly. Both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial strains are thereby stimulated to increase cell division which are crucial for homogenisation and nitrogen fixation. The nutrients are more readily available to plants through the advanced mineralisation while the nitrogen bonds are chemically bound via bacterial functions and thus largely protected from premature leaching from the soil.
Refined manure means added value:
The manure is alive, during storage almost no sinking and floating layers are created. The manure can be easily stirred. Liquid manure treated with BIPLANTOL plus is significantly more odorless & less harmful to plants. This means that it can also be applied to the growing stock. The treated manure delivers nutrients where they are needed to the upper soil layers where the crops are rooted.
- Approved for organic farming.
- In accordance with the EC Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and listed in the FiBL catalogue of organic farm inputs.
- No side effects for humans, beneficial organisms and the ecosystem when approprietly applied according to the manufacturers instructions.
- Bees, beneficial organisms and other insects are not affected.
LVVG Aulendorf
Experimental results of the former LVVG Aulendorf in 1996 have shown significantly improved flow of liquid manure and root growth compared to untreated plant thanks to the appliaction of 100 ml / m³ of Biplantol to manures.
Applications and dosage:
There are three types of application methods for manure
1. Direct method:
Add 1 liter of BIPLANTOL® plus per 10 m3 of manure in the pit and flushing trench. Thus 10 liters of BIPLANTOL® plus suffice for up to 100 m3 of manure. A waiting period of at least 3 weeks is recommended before field application.
2. Combination method:
For untreated manure: add 1 liter of BIPLANTOL® plus per 10 m3 of manure in the pit and flushing trench.Thereafter, add weekly 10 ml of BIPLANTOL® plus per LSU* in 10 liters of lukewarm water and dispense in the gutter or flushing trench (canister screw cap equivalent to 25 ml for 2.5 LSU in 10 liters of water). Field application can follow after 3 weeks of initial treatment. If a residual amount of the activated manure remains in the pit after emptying the pit, a weekly application of BIPLANTOL® plus via the flushing trenches as described above suffices. By using this combination method you can refine up to 500 m3 of manure with a 10 liter canister of BIPLANTOL® plus.
3. Feeding method:
For untreated manure: add 1 liter of BIPLANTOL® plus per 10 m3 of manure in the pit and flushing trench. Thereafter, add daily 1,5 ml per LSU in the fodder or water trough.
Closed liquid manure pit:
Oxygen is necessary for the decomposition of manure! Without oxygen the manure starts to putrefy. Please assure that there is sufficient air intake into the pit (e.g. two opposing grates or several holes in the concrete roof).
Dung, compost and bark:
water or spray 20 ml of BIPLANTOL® plus per 1 m3 uniformly. Depending on the moisture of the material mix thoroughly in 5 liters of water. Build-up in layers: mix 50 ml of BIPLANTOL® plus in 10 liters of water and dispense uniformly over a 20 cm thick layer of dung, compost or bark layer per 10-15 m2. Up to 500 m3 can be treated with a 10 liter canister of BIPLANTOL® plus.
No side effects for humans, beneficial organisms and the ecosystem when approprietly applied according to manufacturers instructions.
Homoeopathic-dynamised complex agent containing in potentised form (D6-D100) the minerals potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphor and vital trace elements such as boron, germanium, copper; manganese and uronic acids (plant mucilage) among others.
Anwendungsgebiete: | Landwirtschaft, Städte und Kommunen |
- Download - Gebrauchsanweisung - DE
- Download - Instruction sheet - Engl.
- Download - Mode d-emploi - FR
- Download - Biplantol plus in der Praxis - DE
- Download - Betriebsmittelliste - Konformitaetserklärung - FiBL Liste - Biplantol Plus - GERMAN